Passing the FRY Test

Passing the FRY Test

Social media isn’t free. It takes a lot of time to run a successful social media marketing campaign, and that time takes resources away from other activities. This means that social media needs to be able to pull its own weight by passing the FRY test. Jesse Stanchak of Smart Blog on Social Media recently…

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What Your Website Doesn't Need

What Your Website Doesn’t Need

Many resources exist that tell you what you need to do to make the most of your website. These articles stress the importance of adding social media to your site, starting a blog, and optimizing your site for search engines, but many leave out what you don’t need on your website. A recent article on…

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Privacy Policy is a Must

Privacy Policy is a Must

Most small-businesses’ websites are works in progress – constantly being revised, improved, and updated. So invariably, something is always missing, such as the privacy policy. Some landing pages are so important that not having them could hurt your bottom line, cost you clients, and even turn away business. A few of the essential pages for…

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