Google's Gif Maker

Google’s New GIF Maker

Google’s new Gif Maker creates data visualizations that make your research look better. According to the company’s announcement, “Data visualizations are an essential storytelling tool in journalism, and though they are often intricate, they don’t have to be complex.” Mashable author Freia Lobo explains how the new Data Gif Maker presents facts and figures in a…

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Best Practices for Using GIFs and Cinemagraphs for Business

Best Practices for Using GIFs and Cinemagraphs for Business

GIFs and cinemagraphs are showing up across social media. A cinemagraph image is motionless, but has one remote part that moves continuously. Brands use GIFs and cinemagraphs for business to visually engage with social media fans. Brian Honigman explains the importance of GIFs and cinemagraphs in his article, “Best Practices for Using GIFs and Cinemagraphs…

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