Your Attitude and Your Success

Your Attitude and Success

A recent study by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck reveals that attitude is a better predictor of success than IQ. Dr. Dweck explains that people possess one of two core attitudes: a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. With a fixed mindset, you are trapped in thinking that you are who you are and you cannot…

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How to Market Anything to Anyone

How to Market Anything to Anyone

Marketing, in a basic sense, is showing someone the value of your product or service. So how do you market anything to anyone? Accomplishing this task doesn’t always have to be complicated. In the article, “3 Steps to Market Anything to Anyone” by Mike Templeman of Forbes, he shares a few simple ways to better communicate…

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Benchmarks of Success

The New Benchmarks of Success at 30, 40, and 50 Years

Growing older comes with certain preconceived notions and benchmarks of success, often based on societal and cultural standards. As you approach ages 30, 40, and 50, it’s common to experience a certain degree uncertainty as you move onto another chapter in your life. In his article, “Turning 30, 40, and 50: The New Markers of…

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Customer Service

Customer Service is The Only Trend to Watch

There is only one customer service trend to watch for this year, and that is your customer doing business with you. The beginning of a new year always brings with it lists of ways to improve or organize, with tips, techniques, and trends to watch. Forbes Contributing Writer Shep Hyken tells us that there is really…

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Are Websites or Apps Driving Global Growth?

Are Websites or Apps Driving Global Growth?

The future of Forbes magazine’s digital media is tied to their worldwide ambitions and global growth. Forbes, which was recently purchased by Asian investors, and has 35 foreign-language editions and 20 web sites, is definitely focused on global digital media. In Staff Writer Lewis DVorkin’s article, “Inside Forbes: The Role of Websites vs. Apps As…

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Use Storytelling to Boost Customer Acquisition by 400%

Use Storytelling to Boost Customer Acquisition by 400%

Today, content is being consumed at record speeds as more content is created than ever before making customer acquisition harder to obtain. People are consuming content an average of five hours per day, according to a stat cited in an article by Christine Comaford, a Contributor to Forbes. No wonder businesses are rushing to come…

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6 Quick-Fix Tips For Reputation Repair

6 Quick-Fix Tips For Reputation Repair

The new year is here and it’s time to take control of your business’ online reputation. Negative press can spread very quickly and reputation repair can be very difficult. Your online reputation should be taken as seriously as your offline reputation. Your company should have a comprehensive reputation management and reputation repair plan including how…

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Thought Leadership

6 Ways Thought Leadership Will Take Your Marketing To New Levels

Thought leadership can be a powerful influence over consumers and is an important part of a today’s marketing campaign. What makes someone a thought leader? Typically, a true thought leader is business or person who possesses leadership in thought, values, and acts as a resource for others. Thought leaders share their knowledge through public speaking,…

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Springtime Social Media News

Springtime Social Media News

Keeping up with every ounce of news can be very time consuming. We realize that not everyone has the time to read the paper and keep up with the latest social media news. Here at Parallel Interactive, we are dedicated to keeping our readers up to date with the latest industry and social media news.…

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Will Square's Starbucks Deal Be the End of Cash?

Will Square’s Starbucks Deal Spark the End of Cash?

Last week, Starbucks invested $25 million into the start up business, Square. For those unfamiliar with Square, it’s a credit and debit card reading device that attaches to cell phones. With each mobile transaction, Square collects 2.75%. According to the article, “Will Square’s Starbucks Deal Spark the End of Cash?,” by Peter Cohan, Square is now valued at $3.2 billion and will soon be processing payments at 7,000 Starbucks locations across the US.

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Understanding the New ROI of Marketing

Understanding the New ROI of Marketing

Most business people should understand the acronym ROI as the monetary return on an investment, but what is the new ROI of marketing? Typically, when the return on investment is high, then the success of your investment is high. According to the article, “Understanding the New ROI of Marketing,” Susan Gunelius suggests ROI now has a…

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