SEO Audit Tool

Add an SEO Audit Tool to Your Digital Strategy

Make sure your digital strategy is on track with consistent website audits using an SEO audit tool. Performing regular SEO audits is essential for staying on top of the major issues that could be damaging your site’s visibility and ranking. Moz Site Crawl is an SEO audit tool that crawls your site every week searching for…

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Optimize Website Content

Optimize Website Content with Yoast SEO

Got a great online product promotion or service to attract new customers? Before you publish, test your SEO strategy and optimize website content with Yoast SEO. This easy-to-use plugin measures multiple aspects of blog text to ensure optimal SEO and readability. What’s even better is the optimization runs in real time, so blog authors can…

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SEO Content

Effective SEO Content

Good SEO content helps potential customers find you. Great content converts them to customers and builds lasting relationships. However, 74 percent of companies are still in the beginning stages of creating an effective SEO content strategy, according to a recent survey conducted by SEMRush. Search Engine Land Contributor, BrightEdge Founder and CEO Jim Yu uses…

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Top SEO Ranking Factors

Top SEO Ranking Factors for 2022

The quest to unlock the mysteries of Google’s top SEO ranking factors continues. *This SEO ranking factors article was updated on February 21, 2022 to represent current SEO trends and best practices. Search engines continually update their ranking algorithms to complement advances in technology and improve return results. Google currently uses about 200 factors when…

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SEM Best Practices to Improve Your Search Rankings

SEM Best Practices to Improve Your Search Rankings

To execute search engine marketing campaigns successfully, you need to separate them from your SEO strategy. Here are our top SEM best practices to help you get the most out of your digital marketing efforts. Optimizing your website for search engines can open your business to new customers and streamline your digital presence for maximum…

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Google Core Web Vitals Metrics

New Google Core Web Vitals Upgrade Your Page Experience

Google recently announced an upcoming change to search rankings that will incorporate Core Web Vitals as a page experience signal in 2021. In 2021, Google will update their core algorithm to incorporate page experience as a new ranking factor. This means if Google determines that a page is providing a high-quality user experience, then it…

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Building a Backlinks Strategy for Your Website

Building a Backlink Strategy for Your Website in 2020

As one of the top SEO ranking factors, backlinks can have a significant impact on your search visibility. Consider our top link building tactics to boost your backlink strategy and improve your search rankings. Backlinks are created when another website directly links to your site. The more backlinks a page has, the more traffic it gets…

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Voice Engine Optimization Tips

Voice Engine Optimization Tips

Speak your audience’s language and improve your search rankings by adding voice engine optimization to your content marketing and SEO strategy. By 2020, nearly 50 percent of online searches will be conducted using voice search. With the help of voice-friendly devices, voice search has drastically changed the way people search, where they search, and how…

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2019 SEO Trends for Google Search

2019 SEO Trends for Google Search

Boost visibility on Google, improve your search ranking, and stay ahead of competition with our top 2019 SEO trends. Google search engine optimization continues to outperform other marketing trends year after year. According to Moz Blog, SEO delivers 20 times more traffic opportunity than pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. It is critical for your site to be…

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Video SEO

Drive Website Engagement with Video SEO

With video content on the rise, it is essential to follow video SEO best practices in order to rank on search engines and increase site traffic. Video is projected to claim more than 80 percent of all web traffic by 2019, according to Forbes. By adding video marketing and video SEO to your digital strategy, you…

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SEO Content Audit

Most Common Website Mistakes Learned from an SEO Content Audit

At Parallel Interactive, we get a little obsessive about our clients’ SEO strategy. Before any new website content is created, we first conduct an SEO content audit. Why? Because good content is a crucial part of making sure you end up on top of a search engine results page (aka SERP). Great content keeps visitors…

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Top Keyword Research Tools

Try These Top Keyword Research Tools to Boost SEO Rankings

Every day, more than 3.5 billion searches are being processed on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines. To stand out from the masses, make sure your content marketing strategy includes these top keyword research tools. Imagine if you could capture just a fraction of those searches by predicting which words they’re using to find…

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